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My Early Brickfilm Work

I always wanted to do Brickfilms for my YouTube Channel. I knew that these videos took a lot of work and practice. My first few Brickfilms were created to help me learn the process.

This was my very first stop motion video. I had no idea about frame rates or almost anything. I was just playing around and seeing what I could do. The footage is ugly, but I still like the punchline.

This was the second Stop Motion Video I did. It was still really rough. I had learned about frames per second and wanted to keep it simple. This video was about me practicing speed and smoothness. I have not seen this video in years. I am not sure what I find more shocking. How “young” I looked or that I still wear that shirt. I think that shirt may be older than some of my viewers. It’s definitely older than Builder Kitty and Monkey. Gulp!

This stop motion video was inspired by early Monster Scientist and Fly Monster rumors. Before the series was released, people were speculating the Monster Scientist turned himself into the Fly Monster. This speculation started because the Monster Scientist had a flask with a picture of a fly on it and the Fly Monster had one black hand like the Monster Scientist.

For this video, I really wanted to work on special effects and transitions. While this was a very short scene, it took me a long time to put together. There was a lot of trial and error on ways to get the desired effects. Apparently, it paid off. The video has gone on to get over 3,000 views and mostly positive feedback. With the horror theme, I kind of hope that the “like” and “dislikes” numbers stay the same. They currently stand at 66 Likes and 6 Dislikes or…666.

I do want the view count keeps going up and up.


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